Becoming a Sister of St Louis

Are you a Catholic woman who feels called to:

  • Develop a closer relationship with God?
  • Become a disciple of Jesus, following, living, loving and serving as He did?
  • Work with children and/or adults either in your own country or on mission to another country?
  • Work in education, healthcare, community development, and pastoral care projects, especially with the poor and the marginalised?
  • Seek God and discern God’s will with others in community?
  • Promote and cherish unity in a diverse world and universe?

There are four different stages of formation in becoming a Sister of St Louis. For more information, click here.

After final vows a sister takes responsibility for her ongoing formation and development in dialogue with other members of her community. The Sisters of St Louis commit to supporting her in this. Continued formation is an integrated process of renewal which extends to all aspects of each sister’s life and the whole Institute itself.  It is carried out, taking into account the fact that its different aspects are inseparable from, and mutually influential in, the life of each religious and every community.  The programme includes days of renewal and recollection as well as short courses, workshops, faith sharing and discussion on issues relevant to the religious life and mission.

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of life as a Sister of St Louis, then click on the country closest to where you live on the list below for further information:

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