Mission development

Aligning ourselves with best practice in the field of development work, our central development desk based in the Generalate collaborates with those in St Louis who minister with and for the marginalised and most vulnerable. The desk promotes the development of both organisational capacity and individual capacity of sisters, and assists and empowers those in field in identifying needs and priorities, and in strategic planning around those priorities. It also assists the various ministries in the area of donor and partner relations. The desk is run by the Mission Development Coordinator, Mark Cumming, has over 30 years of experience in various aspects of development work in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Our approach to mission is rooted in the belief in God’s message of love and peace. As with other missionaries engaged in development, we endeavour to embody the five core values of respect, justice, commitment, compassion and integrity in all that we do. Our overall aim is to be in solidarity with the poor and marginalised in ways that transform lives, while respecting the integrity of local cultures.