It is the roots that are important

Blog 20 Image Michelle Ankrah Nov15One day I went for a walk in nature and ended up having a beautiful conversion with a pawpaw tree. As I strolled along the path, I came across a pawpaw tree that seemed to be calling out to me. I stopped and looked at it more closely and it appeared to be looking intently back at me. It seemed more confident in itself than I would have expected because, to my eyes, it had no beauty or attractiveness. Then, just as I was about to continue on my way, wondering what it was that was standing out about this tree, it spoke to me. To my astonishment its voice was female. 

“I am sure my confidence baffles you in spite of my unattractiveness”, she said. I was too shy to admit that this was true. She smiled and told me she had a lesson to teach me. “I know that I look dead on the outside,” she said, “but have you not noticed how much fruit I bear? I am very productive. I do not bloom at the top like others. I am actually dead at the top and yet I have been able to grow two other branches on my sides and these are producing fruit. So, you see without a head that you might call beautiful, I have nevertheless been very fruitful. This is because my roots are firmly grounded in the soil.” I gazed at her roots and nodded to show I had understood. I stood for a while watching her swaying in the wind. Then I thanked her and continued on my way, reflecting quietly on what she had said.

I had learnt a lesson and I was pleased. I walked away saying to myself, “Remember your roots and stay connected to the source. It is the roots that are important, not the head; the inner source is what is essential not just outer beauty and attractiveness.”

by Michelle Ankrah SSL