Learning from the Seagulls (Part 2)
The water is calm and glistening with the rhythmic sounds of the tiny, nondescript breakers happening well out from the shore. I’m enjoying this scene of seagulls as they mew and caw call and interact harmoniously with one another.
Suddenly, from the sky, into this idyllic scene, another seagull swoops down and disrupts the ‘play’ of the others. Everything changes - instant cacophonous squawking and screeching; their mew now becomes ha-ha-ha-ha or 'huoh-huoh' and becomes shriller as the ‘fun’ group flees. The ‘disrupter’ is now isolated and alone to peck about. A sad, lonely figure, who, with whatever the motive or intention, has totally changed the dynamic of the moment.
I’m reflecting on this event. In human terms I’m sure we have all experienced a similar situation. Congenial conversations and light-hearted banter or serious sharing, when a ‘disrupter’ or discordant note is introduced and the dynamic changes totally. Perhaps, even, I have been the ‘disrupter’? Sensitivity to all interactions with others and to all situations is a basic requirement for good relations and equally, as important, is the need to reflect on the quality of my presence. It is into the realities of our daily lives that our creator God wishes to incarnate himself. God invites us to join with him in prayer for his birth amongst us.
by Enda McMullan SSL